In my last two posts I introduced my recent addiction to an intriguing puzzle game from the Apple app store. Puzzle Craft starts with a basic farm that is extended and enriched with harvests and an ore-mining site to be gradually upgraded from camp to castle. I explained about the conversations with God I have been having along with my frequent ipad breaks have been featuring in a number of prayer conversations, as my virtual kingdom Lonbain is used by God to teach me more of his purposes. I have shared in the last two posts a few things God and I have talked about this month: (Part One dealt with "Checking In Frequently" and Part Two with "Using Tools Effectively")
So along the way this month I’ve discerned that most of the time discipleship operates by the same principles of human economy that mark our public life, and I've taken to heart some life lessons from the parable of the puzzle. But thankfully I also know godshaped ministry is founded on grace, and full of surprises, fruit we have not personally grown. Another speaker at the Global Leadership Summit, Jim Collins, called this luck, we call it providence but Collins says we need to make good choices about how to respond to these surprises, good or bad. I’m happy to play my part as God needs me to, but to trust that the kingdom economy is not dependent on my feeble effort.
Thanks be to God, the One who made the mines and the farms, Amen.
To Chew Over: How could you plant more seeds in your personal and community life?
How shall they hear the word of God
unless his truth is told?
How shall the sinful be set free,
the sorrowful consoled?
To all who speak the truth today,
impart your Spirit, Lord, we pray.
2 How shall they call to God for help
unless they have believed?
How shall the poor be given hope,
the prisoner reprieved?
To those who help the blind to see,
give light and love and clarity.
3 How shall the gospel be proclaimed
that sinners may repent?
How shall the world find peace at last
if heralds are not sent?
So send us, Lord, for we rejoice
to speak of Christ with life and voice.
from Romans 10 © Michael Perry
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